Meet Alex: "design is a way to shape a more beautiful and functional world." - TwentyTwo Digital
Meet Alex: “design is a way to shape a more beautiful and functional world.”

Meet Alex: “design is a way to shape a more beautiful and functional world.”

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into design? 

I’ve always been creative, so having explored various mediums and not fully knowing what to do with any of those skills and interests in the outside world, I eventually realised that design is a way to shape a more beautiful and functional world. Whether it’s shop signage or a website; design shapes our experiences, moods and behaviours, which fuels my passion to create a more efficient and engaging environment for people.

What’s your experience of TwentyTwo and the digital industry so far? 

So far it’s been great! Despite starting remotely, I feel lucky to be in a place where everyone is warm, open-minded and can adapt to each other’s schedules, giving you the right amount of space and support to settle in. It’s great to be in a role where everyone has a strong passion to learn and help each other and create the best work for their clients and collaborators. 

What have you learnt so far from being at Twentytwo, and what do you hope to improve on moving forward?

I’ve already learned so much from working in an environment that feels truly collaborative, where ideas can be free-flowing and more effective. So I’m looking forward to having more opportunities to improve my skills to create some great work.

Give us a sentence that sums you up… 

A great weekend for me looks like a walk in nature or doing a bit of gardening, and finishing with a great film, home-cooked food and an Americano.