Meet Balazs - he's not afraid of duck shaped dinosaurs! - TwentyTwo Digital
Meet Balazs – he’s not afraid of duck shaped dinosaurs!

Meet Balazs – he’s not afraid of duck shaped dinosaurs!

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into web development?

I studied Computer Engineering at University, and part of my degree was to do a six month web development work placement. When I finished my degree I was offered a full time job with the same company!

What’s your experience of Twentytwo and the digital industry so far? 

I enjoy working with people who are trying to give their best and are proud of their work, which I’ve found is true of the team at Twentytwo. I like that everyone is open to new ideas and I think we can make the web a better place.

What have you learnt so far from being at Twentytwo, and what do you hope to improve on moving forward?

I’ve learned that it’s so much easier to create a website if you have a closer connection with the designers. It helps with the workflow and it makes it possible to achieve what the client is looking for. I am looking forward to improving my data visualisation skills and widening my knowledge in cloud services.

Give us a sentence that sums you up… 

I like coffee with a drop of milk and without sugar, also I am not afraid of ducks, dinosaurs, or duck shaped dinosaurs!