Meet Dan – "it's a bit like a circus (in a good way of course" - TwentyTwo Digital
Meet Dan – “it’s a bit like a circus (in a good way of course”

Meet Dan – “it’s a bit like a circus (in a good way of course”

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into graphic design?
My creative streak started way back. I’d always have some paper about to doodle and draw on no matter where I was and that creativity and imagination stayed with me, it never left. Through school I focused on engineering and that creativity progressed into transport design before realising my habits were always in graphic design! I just needed to know how to channel it.

What’s your experience of Twentytwo and the digital industry so far?
The industry is a bit like a circus (in a good way of course). There are a few tightrope balancing acts, a few acts that require training, learning to be flexible with your day too. And exclusively to Twentytwo – Wild animal taming, whenever Ruby is in the studio! I feel I can utilise my potential at Twentytwo, and flourish in more ways than one.

What have you learnt so far from being at Twentytwo, and what do you hope to improve on moving forward?
I can certainly say that self-management is something I’ve picked up while being here, I was never really good at it – EVER. But now I’m slowly getting to grips with managing myself and my time more efficiently. I’m looking forward to expanding my knowledge on UI/UX as it’s always an area that’s always had my curiosity!

Give us a sentence that sums you up…
I put the ‘King’ into ‘Overthinking’.