Mamma Mia! Meet Georgia... - TwentyTwo Digital
Mamma Mia! Meet Georgia…

Mamma Mia! Meet Georgia…

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into design?

I’ve always been passionate about art and design, having always done creative subjects whilst at school and continuing this into a Graphic Design degree at university. I gained more interest in design after watching the Paula Scher episode of Abstract: The Art of Design. This got me so excited about the creative industry and gave me the motivation to pursue a career in design.

What’s your experience of Twentytwo and the digital industry so far?

My experience at Twentytwo couldn’t have been better. Everyone has been so welcoming and supportive. From day one, I felt part of the team. I have found that the digital industry is fast-paced but so much fun – no day, brief, or project is the same.

What have you learnt so far from being at Twentytwo, and what do you hope to improve on moving forward?

I have been pushing my skills in motion design and learning more as I go on. Collaborating with the other designers, watching how they work and gaining feedback has helped me develop my design skills and understand more about the fundamentals of design. I have much more confidence in my work as a result.

Moving forward, I hope to push my skills in web design. This is a part of design that I haven’t taken part in much before, so I’m really excited to learn more!

Give us a sentence that sums you up…

Animal Crossing, Mamma Mia and pasta-obsessed.