Meet Matt – He's a 'glass half full' kinda guy - TwentyTwo Digital
Meet Matt – He’s a ‘glass half full’ kinda guy

Meet Matt – He’s a ‘glass half full’ kinda guy

Tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into design?

I started gaining a passion for design in 2014 and it’s grown more and more ever since. I came from pursuing a career in freelance graphic design, and niching in logo design. However, I’m now in a position of being able to expand my experience and skills by working with Twentytwo.

What’s your experience of Twentytwo and the digital industry so far?

I am a person who loves working within a strong team. Twentytwo have provided the perfect environment for me to learn and thrive as an individual. The canal basin also provides a serene environment to work in. It’s been amazing to get to know the whole team and I’ve been able to interact with some fantastic clients so far. I’m excited to continue to help provide great design solutions for more clients in the future.

What have you learnt so far from being at Twentytwo, and what do you hope to improve on moving forward?

I’m learning to use Figma to build wireframe websites which has been both challenging and rewarding. Web design is an area that I want to keep developing going forward. 

Give us a sentence that sums you up…

I’m a ‘glass half full’ kinda guy and I always look for the joy in every situation.