Brand Design - TwentyTwo Digital

Brand Design

Our approach is to get to know your business so we understand what makes it special, why customers should come to you, and your position in the market. From these foundations, we develop a brand that is unique, appealing, trustworthy and epitomises who you are and what you do.

Attention to detail

Your brand is far more than your logo. From colour palettes and typefaces to social avatars and adaptations to fit different media, we define how and where it is reproduced with comprehensive brand guidelines to protect your identity and ensure consistency throughout.


An effective brand gives you instant recognition, defining your position in a market whilst distinguishing you from the competition. Our talented designers will use their vision, original thinking and skilled creativity to produce a distinctive brand design that fits your company mission and ethos to a ‘T’. From traditional, ‘establishment’ brands to modern forward-thinking designs, we’re always delighted to rise to the challenge.

Brand revival

If you feel your brand is a little tired, out of date, or simply doesn’t reflect who you are and what you do any more, it’s the perfect time for a little reinvention. We can evolve your existing brand with a refresh or make a departure into something new. We’ll help you regain your competitive edge with a striking visual identity that encourages your customers to look again.

Supercharge your brand  Supercharge your brand