UI/UX & Web Design - TwentyTwo Digital

UI/UX & Web Design

Is your website giving your customers the best possible experience?

User experience – It’s not all about looks!

A good website will resonate with your target audience in an instant, provide the information they are looking for quickly, make it easy for them to respond and be accessible across all devices.

If you’d like your clients to buy from you (and who wouldn’t), it’s a good idea to give them lots of reasons to do so. Our passionate team of web designers and developers keep up to date with trends, technology and new developments to design bespoke websites that are tailored to the needs of your audience. With us you are in safe hands. Of course it will look good too, stunning design is our forte!

Find out more about our web development services.

Email Marketing


Clever search functions, logical product groupings, shopping basket reminders, interest related suggested purchases and ease of transaction are just some of the features that make your e-commerce site work hard for you to maximise sales. Navigation, looks and functionality are all of equal importance and when the balance is right, will result in sales success. Talk to us about your online shop and the results you are looking for, we’d be happy to have a conversation with you.

SEO – what is it and why is it important to your business?

Search Engine Optimisation may sound mystical, but it’s about ensuring your site is built and maintained with visibility in mind. Site speed, key word rich content and URLs, title tags, backlinks and so on can sound like jargon but they are the guiding lights for our developers to ensure your site is optimised for maximum visibility to increase website traffic. It’s just part of the behind the scenes service we provide.

Integrated marketing

We can work in partnership with you to develop and add to your websites for different marketing campaigns including production of Geo targeted sites, micro sites and landing pages. Websites are so much more than an online brochure, and we’d be happy to advise on how best to make use of your site to increase engagement, reach and interaction.

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