Hosting - TwentyTwo Digital

Website Hosting

Whilst we take care of hosting for the websites we’ve designed and built, we also now offer hosting as a standalone service. However, we’re not a hosting reseller, we’re a design company, so we do things a little differently.

Here’s how…

Full Control of Resources

Are you using shared hosting?

Shared hosting is the cheap and cheerful hosting solution. This means you’re sharing a server with hundreds of other websites. If any of these sites have a big spike in traffic, or if their activity results in getting your IP address blacklisted, your site is directly affected.

As you’re sharing resources with many other websites, the performance of your site is very limited and page load speeds will be less than impressive.

Speed and performance is a big SEO ranking factor, so this is now an important consideration when choosing hosting for your website.

Our approach is to host with managed dedicated and VPC servers, so we have full control over our resources, we know exactly how our servers are being used, and what sites we’re hosting together. The result of this is very fast page load speeds, and a super secure hosting environment.

Dedicated 24/7 Tech Support

How responsive was your current hosting provider the last time you needed some technical support?

As a small agile company, we’re here for our clients without them needing to ‘submit a ticket’ to speak to us, and behind our hosting setup we have a dedicated support team at the data centre, at our service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our clients benefit from this level of support at no additional cost.

What about the hidden extras?

Many hosting providers have substantial additional fees for things like SSL certificates… we don’t. We care about what we host, and we take security very seriously, so we don’t charge extra for SSL certificates, we install them as standard with every site we host.

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